
Welcome to Chris FisioDerm


It is a non-surgical treatment in which, through very thin needles with localized microinjections, CO2 is inserted under the skin, leaving only a small impression on the infiltration site, which disappears within seconds.

Hooke is a radio frequency energy delivery device used for medical and esthetic treatment with deep and / or superficial penetration that induces the production of collagen and elastin.

It is a Heccus combination therapy, in which the ultrasonic waves associated with the Aussie current are propagated through the epidermis and dermis.

It is a vigorous massage that helps to prevent and reduce cellulite, fibrosis and fat through deep and rhythmic movements.

It is a massage that involves a set of very specific and well directed maneuvers and techniques, which aims to stimulate the functions of the lymphatic system, where the lymph will be conducted to the lymph nodes, and through these maneuvers we can activate and accelerate our lymphatic system.