Localized Fat

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It is a non-surgical treatment in which, through very thin needles with localized microinjections, CO2 is inserted under the skin, leaving only a small impression on the infiltration site, which disappears within seconds.

Hooke is a radio frequency energy delivery device used for medical and esthetic treatment with deep and / or superficial penetration that induces the production of collagen and elastin.

It is a Heccus combination therapy, in which the ultrasonic waves associated with the Aussie current are propagated through the epidermis and dermis.

It is a vigorous massage that helps to prevent and reduce cellulite, fibrosis and fat through deep and rhythmic movements.

It is a high-power electrostimulation current that stimulates muscle fibers comfortably and painlessly, generating tissue adaptations such as muscle hypertrophy, completely improving performance and body tone.