
Home / Carboxytherapy

Carboxytherapy is a non-surgical treatment in which, through very thin needles with localized microinjections, CO2 is inserted under the skin, leaving only a small impression on the infiltration site, which disappears within seconds.

Treatment is directed according to each objective. From the first assessment consultation we can design a personalized treatment protocol in which it may or may not be associated with other resources or procedures.


  • Body

When it comes to localized fat and cellulite, CO2 is applied subcutaneously and locally, causing an implosion in the fat molecules, clearing the lymphatic system and acting in a draining manner eliminating toxins, which will also favor an improvement in tissue oxygenation, improved nutrient conduction and blood circulation. All of these effects and processes within the body will externally influence the regeneration of the skin, the elimination of fat and cellulite, leaving the skin smoother, more uniform and healthier. This treatment will stimulate the production of collagen, giving firmness to the skin, no matter where it is sagging, it treats and improves completely, either on the body or on the face.

In stretch marks, we apply CO2 with the needle tilted and directed at each stretch mark. They inflate and then return to their normal state. This effect produces a shrinkage and detachment of the tissues, which will produce an inflammatory and skin regenerating process.

This treatment can be done once a week or at 10 day intervals so that the CO2 that has been applied can produce its physiological effects. We can highlight the increase in local blood flow that leads to improved nutrient supply and oxygenation in tissues. During this process collagen stimulation and maturation will occur, which will make the skin more elastic and more uniform, and the stretch marks will disappear, gradually diminishing its appearance and visibility.

This feature is also used in post-surgical treatments to improve the appearance of scars, colloids and fibroses, as CO2 will act on the tissues producing a restorative and regenerating effect, completely improving the condition of the skin and muscle fibers.


  • Face

On the face, carboxytherapy will work mainly to improve the quality of the skin, bringing more vitality, filling and firmness. It is very indicated in the treatments of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, dark circles and double chin. It can also be applied to the neck and neck (improves and fills the skin).


In carboxytherapy CO2 is administered through special equipment certified by the Ministry of Health as the only effective system with guaranteed control, sterile and fully personalized administration. Easily tolerable and odorless and does not cause allergies. Some adverse reactions may occur during treatment: hyperemia (redness due to hypervascularization of the area to be treated), bruising, depending on the sensitivity and condition of each person or area to be treated, which will disappear within days.

With each session it is possible to visibly and satisfactorily prove the improvement in the condition and quality of the skin, as the application of CO2 improves the vitality of the tissues through the physiological effects that are produced within the body.

Duration of treatment: Between 15 to 30 minutes

It can be done up to 3 times a week, depending on the area to be treated. The results come soon after the first sessions! The number and frequency of sessions is according to each case.