Manual Lymphatic Drainage

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Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is very indicated in pregnancy and postpartum. During pregnancy there are some specific criteria that must be met, unlike manual lymphatic drainage applied in other contexts. Therefore it should be done by a qualified professional to do this massage. This massage is fundamental and helps in various factors related to the health and well-being of the future mom and also the baby.

Application \ Treatment

It is a gentle massage, with slow and relaxing movements, aiming to improve the lymphatic system and offer greater comfort to the pregnant woman. The therapeutic effects that this massage offers will also provide a feeling of relief, relaxation and well-being, conveying a pleasant and pleasurable sensation in the baby as well. This massage is indicated from the 12th week of gestation.

Lymphatic drainage is not recommended for pregnant women who have uncontrolled hypertension, renal failure, deep vein thrombosis or any disease related to the lymphatic system.

The main therapeutic benefits are: decreased swelling in the legs and feet; improvement of blood and lymphatic circulation; decreased risk of developing varicose veins; improved cell and tissue nutrition; It also promotes good relaxation, relieves tension and muscle aches.

Postpartum is also very important because, in addition to the swelling that is normal after delivery, mom also builds up some tensions, hormones are changed, will Feeling very tired due to the new routine, breastfeeding period and nights with the interrupted sleep period. These issues can generate some stress and new situations, which the body, along with the emotional and psychological state will need some special care. Manual Lymphatic Drainage will greatly help in all of these aspects, and bring a complete balance in health and overall well-being.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage, when done frequently, will also help prevent the onset of cellulite, which is an inflammation in the cell caused by fat accumulation. In addition to prevention, if it has already appeared, it can be eliminated or reduced through drainage.

However, it does not eliminate stretch marks, as massage works only with the lymphatic and venous systems. As stretch marks appear because of the breakdown of elastic fibers in the skin, another type of treatment is more appropriate after pregnancy.

Drainage is also of paramount importance in helping to reduce and eliminate swelling after childbirth. These are techniques that help in eliminating toxins and excess fluids.

Most often, obstetricians release shortly after delivery for Lymphatic Drainage sessions. If the delivery was Cesarean, it may take a little longer for sessions to begin. You should always listen to your doctor’s opinion about the best time for massages.

Duration: The sessions can last about 50 min. It can be done 1 or 2x per week, depending on the need.